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Magic Mead Glitterglow "Bubblegum"0.75l 7% vol
Our magical unicorn version with pink glitter and deliciously sweet bubblegum flavor! The perfect mead variation for all unicorn fans and lovers of exotically sweet varieties. (Does not contain any unicorn parts).
Hörnchen-Hilfe Met Mit Haselnüssen 0,75l 12%vol 1,00 Euro donation (+1,00 Euro from Metwabe)
A special edition of our mead with hazelnuts. Including a donation aimed at actively helping the squirrels around us.
Every donation is doubled by the Metwabe.
Mead-Mix Raspberry 0,75l 6%vol
A dry variation with the juice of best raspberries. Perfectly balanced between slightly tart juice and sweet mead.
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